Collaboration is a powerful tool for business, regardless of the industry you are in or the type of business you have. It is the connections you form with others, and the different ways you collaborate with those people you formed connections with, that will help you grow your business to new levels.
We expect the collaboration to come naturally
Everyone is convinced that with better collaboration the results will be better, and the reports show the same. However, the odd thing is that it seems that most people feel that collaboration is something we just naturally do.
Unfortunately, nothing is further from the truth, collaboration is not just done like that. We accept it as completely natural that an orchestra needs a conductor and a sports team needs a coach.
Both of them need a lot of practice before they can work seamlessly together as one.
Good collaboration does require training, practicing and guidance. Over the past years, I have worked with Sydney restaurant to teach and coach them on how to create and manage successful alliances and partnerships.